Sunday, November 8, 2009

Manipulation 2

Manipulation 2

Everyone is vulnerable to manipulation.

I think we develop some of the following "fragile core self” characteristics when we have been in a relationship with a Toxic person. We learn (we are trained) to get along with them adopting some of the following characteristics in the name of self preservation and emotional survival. Just be aware that this survival mode although once helpful makes you a prime target for manipulation.

You are more vulnerable to manipulation if:

1. Your identity is defined by others approval of you, if your sense of peace is dependent on agreeing with others, if your sense of worth comes from pleasing others. You are responsible for forming your identity.
2. You believe your sense of identity and “self” needs to be invisible to get along with others. You are responsible for asserting your “self” so that those who love you can understand and honor you.
3. If your afraid of negative emotions; yours or someone else’s. You’re are responsible to learn the self reflective lessons of your negative emotions, these help give your identity shape.
4. If you’re overly responsible. You are responsible for maintaining a balance in your responsibilities ie. not feeling overwhelmed. You are also responsible for not stealing someone else’s opportunity to learn, grow and feel empowered.
5.If you see yourself as a victim, powerlessness or suffer from learned helplessness or poverty of belief. You are responsible for seeing the that you are the most powerful agent in your life and looking for the opportunities that reinforce that truth.
6. If you doubt yourself, distrust your emotions and your own judgment. You are responsible for recognizing and trusting your feelings so that you can understand the truth of yourself. If you don’t recognize and count your feelings as important, in other words, trust your feelings, no one else will either.

Until you change or modify your beliefs about yourself, you will continue to be a prime target for manipulation.

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